Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

1. How do you think your project represents your work as a student?
-This project represents my work as a student through the quality of work that I normally do.  I am the type of person to finish an assignment in the last minute, but putting as much effort as possible into the last minute.  After doing this project, I realized that this habit must change, and that I have to stop procrastinating and space my time out better.

2. How has your understanding of photography changed during this school year?
-After taking this class and actually photographing myself, I have learned how to appreciate photos more, and the long, tiring process photographers have to go through to share their works of art.  I know what to pay attention to in a photo, and I also recognize features of a photo that may make it stand out in comparison to other photos.  Most important of all, I can see the different styles every photographer has, and learn to appreciate their signature feature in their photos.

3. What are some of the benefits of working in a group?
-When working in a group, consulting each other results in significantly less confusion, and by constantly having friendly peers around you, the work environment is also better.  By working together in different groups, one meets many more people and creates numerous new relationships.  Working with other people also teaches students how to work with different people and adapt to fit everyone's needs and preferences.

4. What are some of the disadvantages of working in a group?
-Aside from the many benefits of working in a group, there are also a good number of disadvantages.  Because every individual has their own opinion of what is good and what is bad, it is very hard to please everyone while working together. In this Digital Photography class specifically, each group has around 5-6 people in each group, which leads to conflicts sometimes when group members disagree with each other.  Another disadvantage is that one's grade is dependent on other members of the group.  Even if one student were to try really hard and should get the high grade he/she deserves, another slacking group member may detrimentally affect the harder working student.

5. Now that you have had more time to reflect, is there anything that you would have done differently with your recent project?
-After reflecting almost all of Winter Break, I would put more effort into the Masters of Photography project.  Instead of taking all of the photos in the last couple weeks, my photos would have turned out better if I had spent more time on each photo individually, and spaced out the project through the entire span of time we were allotted.  By planning each separate photo and giving each a set amount of time, the angles and props used in the photos could have been higher quality than it is right now.

6. Is there anything else that you want to include? 
-There is nothing significant that I would want to additionally include.

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